
Ever wondered how plant-based meats achieve their amazing texture and appearance?

It's all thanks to the core technology known as extrusion!

Let's explore what extrusion is and why it's essential in creating plant-based meat perfection.

Extrusion is a process where a mixture of ingredients is pushed through a specialized machine called an extruder.

This machine applies heat, pressure, and mechanical shear to transform the ingredients into a unique texture, resembling the fibrous structure of meat.

The beauty of extrusion lies in its ability to combine plant-based proteins, such as soy, wheat, or pea protein, with other ingredients like oils, fibers, and flavorings.

The ingredients pass through the extruder,
where they undergo a series of transformations that create the meat-like texture.

During extrusion, the ingredients experience heat and pressure, causing proteins to denature and form new bonds.

This process aligns the proteins and creates a fibrous network, giving the plant-based meat its characteristic chewiness and structure.

The extrusion technology also allows for precise control over the final product's texture and appearance.

By adjusting factors like temperature, pressure, and speed, we can achieve the desired meat-like qualities.